Thursday, December 17, 2009


I feel so tired today and I am not sure why. I went to sleep at about the same time I normally do last night and slept at least 8 hours. Maybe it is because I skipped breakfast. I know it is the most important meal of the day. I didn't used to eat breakfast at all I made myself start eatting it and that could be it I am used to waking up and eatting and I messed up my schedule today by not eatting.

Booger had a Christmas party at school today . I made cupcakes yesterday so that I wouldn't have to rush around making them today. The Christmas party made me wonder Why can they celebrate Christmas at my sons public school but they are not supposed to have a Halloween party???? I am pretty sure they got into some trouble a few years ago because for field day they opened it up with a prayer by one of the teachers. Yeah I know !! that was wrong and my husband complained to the principal that he didn't appreciate it and our son shouldn't be forced to listen to something like that in a public school. It hasn't happened since then and the teacher who did the prayer has either been fired or has retired I think I heard he was fired for bringing in bibles and passing them out. the person I heard that from couldn't believe that someone could get fired for passing out bibles. I asked him how he would feel if someone from a different religion gave him what ever it was that they follow or tried to preach to him that what he believes is wrong. He just said oh I wouldn't like it.